Consciousness may be analagous to an (electromagnetic version of a) geon, call it at an "e-geon" (i.e. it would be a closed de Broglie wave form comprised of bosons). This is the "soul". (In other words it is nearly an EM equivalent of a geon which is a closed gravitational waveform, so I am saying it is essentially a "whirlpool" of EM energy, just as a geon is a "whirlpool" of gravitational energy - it is not exact analogy because a geon is bound by its own energy - the waves in the brain would be bound more by the skull and/or brain white matter perhaps so the analogy is not perfect but I think the effect is similar to that of the familiar geon of general relativity, that is to say, it is still some sort of closed wave form).
When this (de Broglie) "e-geon" is in an environment of increasing Weyl curvature it is "conscious". B/c when Weyl increases, this is measured as entropy increasing (if we take the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis of Roger Penrose as being accurate) which is when information integrates in nervous systems) and when this (de Broglie) "e-geon" is in a condition of a static or decreasing Weyl curvature it is not "conscious" (b/c conversely when Weyl decreases, this is measured as entropy descreasing which is when information in nervous systems becomes less integrated - this is counter-intuitive - the more information becomes integrated, the more "noise" there is (increasing entropy), the less "noise" there is (decreasing entropy) shows less information being integrated, at least in known nervous systems, loosely put.)
That is about the long and tall of it. [And note: this is a boson de Broglie wave (i.e. comprised of photons) almost certainly, not fermions (such as electrons) - the spin statistics theorem (arguably) gives circumstantial evidence (in my opinion) that the de Broglie wave form involved with consciousness is comprised of bosons, not fermions, but that is a side discussion, so, in effect, consciousness is in my opinion basically electromagnetic, and only is "quantum" in the most reducto ad absurdam sort of way.] [Other side note: this model I'd argue is largely consistent w/ the elimanative materialist position of Patricia Churchland and/or the epiphenomonalist position of George Santayana, either of which I'd be comfortable w/, because, in either case, the de Broglie wave of which I speak is not causal (or very minimally so, if at all).] Let's call this the "Pseudo-Electromagnetic-Geon Entropic Theory of Consciousness" but if anyone has a more "catchy" name I'd be open to ideas. 😁